Blurry Face: Somebody stole my car radio

I’m sorry for disappearing for 1.5+ years and not speaking with anyone. I’ve been struggling a lot with my mental health issues, but am now seeing a Psych D. (therapist) and a psychiatric nurse practitioner. I am also now on meds (hence my reappearance lol) that are helping me and improving my every day life….

you’re the reason: forgiveness

You’re the reason. You’re the reason I can’t sleep at night. The reason I lock my bedroom door. The reason I walk around Athens, a town so familiar and safe, at night with a knife. The reason my lungs stop working and I choke for air when a man walks past me on the street….


“Akhirnya!!” or “Finally!!” I cried in my head as I walked along the stage, void of all my senses, unsure exactly what was happening, but all so certain at the same time. So I’ve graduated. I repeat, I’ve graduated. To be honest, that wasn’t something I was so certain would happen. Six years. Six long…

Lemme tell y’all bout my best friend: belahan jiwa

Have you ever loved someone so much it hurts? So much that their voice makes your heart swell with happiness and your eyes with tears? So much that the thought of them results with a magnificently obnoxious gargantuan smile on your face? If you have, then you know the joys and sorrows of that love. If…

mirror, mirror on the wall, where oh where has Indo Liv gone?

Perhaps the thing I miss the most of Indonesia is the person I am while there. I miss me. In my mind there is an Indonesian Liv and an American Liv, and no matter how hard I try, the two refuse to merge into one Liv. Indonesian Liv is confident, strong, intelligent, motivated, charismatic, accepted…

Semangat dan Selamat: The People

When others first become aware of my love of Indonesia I often picture thought bubbles above their heads. The thoughts result from my observance of their reactions. It’s like Mad Libs, but live action!  I imagine most of the thoughts to be, “Why does this white girl from Ohio love Indonesia? How does this make…

where they teach that at?

Selamat datang! Or, in English…welcome! So, if you’re here you probably already know my life revolves around Indonesia. Im OBSESSED with Southeast Asia (SEA), specifically Indonesia. I recently realized that a majority of my daily conversations and thoughts are intertwined with Indonesia. Hell, I even got a tattoo while in Indonesia that represents Indonesia, my…