where they teach that at?

Selamat datang! Or, in English…welcome! So, if you’re here you probably already know my life revolves around Indonesia. Im OBSESSED with Southeast Asia (SEA), specifically Indonesia. I recently realized that a majority of my daily conversations and thoughts are intertwined with Indonesia. Hell, I even got a tattoo while in Indonesia that represents Indonesia, my family or keluarga, Tim Nakal, in Indonesia and the first time I felt a sense of belonging–a sense of purity about myself. But, hey, that’s the rainbow at the end of my dark tunnel that may require some explaining beforehand. This blog is an exploration of Indonesia, my love for Indonesia, and myself. A self-discovery, if you will. So, here we go…

I have loved Indonesia in some shape or form, however clear or muddled, my entire life. Since a child, I have been drawn to Asia. In school I was always annoyed and angry to learn about white, European history. I was the slightly weird kid sulking in the corner because we were learning about white people again. I remember in 5th grade history class, after learning that we would be studying, yet again, white, European history, I exclaimed, “WHITE PEOPLE? AGAIN? BEEN THERE, READ THAT. WHAT ABOUT ASIAN HISTORY? WHERE THEY TEACH THAT AT?” (Now, you’re probably thinking, “well, Liv, what about Native American history, African history, South American history, and all the other histories? They don’t teach a lot of that in schools. You can’t just forget about them as well.” Well friend, you’re correct, however, remember that I am OBSESSED with SEA, so bye-bye whiteyyyyy.

My love and inquisitiveness of Indonesia soon focused upon orangutans.  My life plan (which I already had figured out at the ripe old age of 14…HA i laugh in 14 y/o me’s face!) was to work in Kalimantan at an orangutan sanctuary; teaching orphaned orangutans the necessary skills to survive in the wild. Yeah, that was the plan, until .. I met OU’s biology and chemistry classes and discovered that while I may have wanted to be more than just acquaintances with science, science is one bitch that don’t fucks with me. Cells especially. We can’t be friends. We just couldn’t connect on a cellular level. Life had to continue, plans had to change. When it was time to change my major, I made a decision to follow my heart, a decision  some   people found to be worthless or stupid–Global Studies-Asia, added on a World Religion Minor and three certificates from differing fields of study and haven’t looked back since.

It may be too early to know whether I chose correctly or not, but I believe I did well with my choice. Come spring I will graduate with a B.A. in Global Studies-Asia,a World Religion Minor, a SEA Studies Certificate, an Islamic Studies Certificate, and a Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies Certificate.  I’ve received the prestigious Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) from the US Dept. of State, twice. Found my passion-Indonesia and Bahasa Indonesia. Found my people. Found my happiness. Found my homeland. Found myself.

Now to only get back to the homeland..until that day comes all Im left with is #theIndonesiaILove….

Until next time. Deuces.

One Comment Add yours

  1. PresidenTimNakalKalifornia says:

    “science is one bitch that don’t fucks with me.” hahah

    Liked by 1 person

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